Understanding Relaxin

Chances are that if you're pregnant, you have probably heard of relaxin. Here to shed some light on this pregnancy hormone that often gets a bad rep!

Relaxin is a hormone produced by your ovaries. This hormone is released in non-pregnant people during the luteal phase of menstruation, and helps to prepare the uterine wall for a possible pregnancy. Once you become pregnant, the hormone gets released in way higher levels. It is often known as the hormone that causes ligament laxity (which it absolutely does), but

it also has a lot of other important actions!


1. Relaxes the uterine wall
2. Inhibits uterine contractions
3. Promotes implantation of fetus
4. Promotes growth of placenta
5. Regulates mothers cardiovascular system
6. Promotes dilation and effacement of cervix
7. Relaxes the ligaments in pelvis to allow for pelvic widening in preparation for childbirth

There is a lot of misconception that relaxin only affects pregnant individuals in their third trimester, But based on a study that looked at relaxin levels during the 40 weeks of pregnancy, they found that relaxin levels are highest at 12 weeks, then taper off and gradually rise again through the remainder of pregnancy.

What does this mean?

If you are turning the corner on your first trimester and already noticing aches & pains, maybe even feeling some pelvic heaviness or feeling like your uterus is going to fall out... THIS IS WHY! Your body is just responding to the huge spike in relaxin and is all of a sudden experiencing more ligament laxity. I recommend seeing a pelvic floor & obstetrics trained PT if you are having symptoms, we can evaluate what exactly is going on, help get your more comfortable and address any underlying pelvic floor issues.


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