Preparing for baby #2

A common question we hear is, "how can I prepare for another pregnancy?" It's challenging to provide a one-size-fits-all answer since everyone's needs and bodies are different. However, here are 10 general tips that might help all hopeful moms looking to conceive again.

  1. Strengthen your entire body.

    Motherhood is a daily full-body workout, and labor can be seen as an endurance event as well. Building strength in the pre and post conception periods can greatly influence your success in postpartum recovery. Let’s focus on strengthening your foundation.

  2. Get familiar with your pelvic space.

    Practice breathing into it and take the time to understand your anatomy if you haven't already. Developing body awareness is a powerful tool. Discover how to intentionally release and relax your muscles—our pelvic floor yoga class was designed for this!

  3. Address any pelvic floor and orthopedic issues with a pelvic health specialist (hello!).

    This can include back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain, painful intercourse, prolapse, perineal scarring, constipation, urinary incontinence, diastasis recti, etc. Unsure about the condition of your pelvic floor? We can screen you and provide insights based on our assessment. Remember, C-section moms can also experience pelvic floor problems for many reasons. To name just a few:

    1. Those muscles supported a baby for a significant time!

    2. Some C-sections involve labor and pushing before the cesarean delivery

    3. Scar tissue can impact pelvic floor function

If you have a goal for a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), there is some evidence that Pelvic PT can increase the chances of a successful VBAC.

4. Establish a realistic wellness routine

Establish a routine that suits you and feels achievable throughout different stages of life, keeping in mind that modifications may be necessary at times. Think about joining a gym that provides childcare or consider investing in a fitness app that you can enjoy from home. 

5. Sleep hygiene

I know we can’t always get the ideal quantity of sleep, but there are some steps we can take to achieve higher quality sleep (even if quantity is lacking).

    1. Get blackout curtains

    2. Reserve bed only for sleeping and sex (no eating or computer work!)

    3. Optimal room temperature (60-65 degrees fahrenheit)

    4. Consistent bedtime and waking schedule (yes, even on weekends). Expose yourself to bright light upon waking (adds depth to the sleep reflex)

    5. Avoid caffeine after noon (half life of caffeine is 7 hours), and avoid alcohol 3 hours prior to bedtime.

      If this sounds overwhelming, pick just 1-2 of these variables to start off, and see how you feel in a week! 

6. Learn how to track your menstrual cycle

This goes beyond just using a period app or marking the first day of your period on a calendar! Understand how to identify your fertile window and recognize signs of ovulation, as ovulation is essential for conception. If you want to explore this topic in depth, Carly Hartwig is an excellent resource for education in this area.

7. Consider birth control options

If you’re using any form of birth control, consult your provider about the best time and method for discontinuing it based on your plans to start trying to conceive.

8. Remember the importance of nourishment!

It's essential not only for optimizing fertility but also for your overall physical and mental well-being. Fuel your body with whole foods and begin looking into prenatal supplements if you plan to start trying to conceive in the next six months. Unsure where to begin? Consult your doctor for recommendations and consider getting a referral to a registered dietitian or nutritionist for a more tailored plan.

9. Address any past birth trauma

Past birth experiences can affect how you approach future birth experiences. Work with a licensed mental health professional to process your birth story and focus on building your mental resilience. You don’t need to have an extremely traumatic birth to still benefit from talking to someone to help you process.

10. Learn grounding techniques

Let’s be honest: being a mom can be stressful and overwhelming! Add a new pregnancy into the mix, and sometimes we just need a moment to ourselves. :) Get comfortable with grounding techniques. By practicing them during small daily moments, you’ll find it easier to apply those techniques during more challenging times. If you’re in the Rochester, NY area, you’re in luck—there’s a wonderful perinatal wellness community ready to support you. If you need resources, feel free to reach out to us!

Thinking about baby #2? We’d love to support your journey!


The Pelvic Floors Role in Birth